Our friends, the Cotters, have a daughter who is about 6 months older than you. They put her in soccer in the spring when we did another round of gymnastics. We didn't want to do gymnastics again because you weren't listening well to the teachers. We put you in the same clinic as Bella.
You were super excited to start. We got you shin guards and soccer socks and shorts. Your Great Aunt Chris (Daddy's aunt) mailed you a pair of cleats. You did pretty well your first day. The club is Chill Soccer. All their coaches are from the UK or Ireland (2 of them!). They really focus on building good team players in addition to soccer skills. They give out green cards if you are a good sport. You earned one. I think you were a good sport but could probably have done a better job listening. (You thought so too.)
On the way home I said something about soccer next week. You said, "I don't want to go back to soccer. I just wanted to do it the one time." You were near tears after a 15 minute conversation on the way home saying you didn't want to go back. I figured you were just tired and we'd talk about it tomorrow. You were frustrated the ball didn't do something it was supposed to do on some "back and forth" move you were doing, but you thought your toe touches were really good. I think you expected to be good at it right away or have it be easy. I tried to keep telling you that you had to go back more to practice and get better at it, that you couldn't do everything at gymnastics the first night either. That seemed to fall on deaf ears. (I KNOW your grandma and I had moments like this as well. You get that attitude from me apparently.)
We got home and did bath time right away. You sat down to pee before getting in the tub. You said, "I had a lot of fun at soccer. I can't wait to go back!" Really?! Sheesh. You agreed to do the rest of the weeks at least. I said if you didn't like it after that, you don't have to do the winter one indoor if you don't want.
What Stella did while Emma played: she put herself in the goal! |
Emma is on the far left in the yellow jersey. |
Warming up |
Toe taps |
Bella in the pink coat on the left |
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