Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First blood

Stella, you bled from your first injury tonight.  We were in Emma's room just after bath time.  I was reading the book for the night.  You were tooling around on the floor no problem.  You went from her toys to her chair with her water cup on it.  You were holding onto her cup kind of chewing on the straw.  You turned while holding the cup, lost your balance and toppled over.  You didn't hit your head on the floor or the bed.  Emma noticed you had her cup and she took it from you.  You started screaming.  I picked you up to check you out.  You were starting to turn purple a bit.  I thought you were going to do like your sister did and cry so hard you didn't inhale and you passed out.  Then I noticed some red by the corner of your mouth.  You turned a bit more so I could see into your mouth, and you let out another wail.  The whole left side inside your mouth was holding blood!  I tipped you forward so you didn't swallow it all.  We ran into the bathroom real quick.  I tipped you over the sink to get more out.  Emma started crying in sympathy it seemed.  (That or she was trying to get attention too.)  I put a wet washcloth in your mouth for you to bite on so I could try to determine where the blood was coming from.  No luck.  I tried to pry your lips back.  It didn't seem like you were bleeding from your gums or around your teeth.  That's usually where Emma knocked her mouth at your age.  I laid you on my lap and had Emma near your head try to get you to smile.  Then I saw it: you had bit your tongue hard enough to cut into it!  Fortunately it stopped bleeding pretty quickly, and you stopped crying quickly.  You nursed fine afterwards.  I was worried you might not want to eat either.

You have started pulling yourself up on everything.  You haven't figured out how to sit from crawling yet unless you get yourself propped up on something higher.  You like heading after the dog bowls.  You also keep working on "mama."  I got you out of the car tonight after coming back from Emma's gymnastics, and you said, "mama" right to me.  I think you're starting to realize that name goes with me.  You still won't sign.  Stubborn girl.

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