Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Detroit Zoo

Last Friday we got up early (about 6:45 am and we had been sleeping until 8:30 or so most mornings) and went to the Detroit Zoo. We wanted to get there by 9 because we planned to go see Grandma in the afternoon. Nana met us there. You were very excited to see the animals. We were curious what would be your favorites given the animals you reacted to when we went to Potter Park Zoo. Turns out you still liked the sea otters, but you LOVED the seals. We had to drag you away from them. One swam a little too close to the glass while dad was holding you though and you freaked out a bit. You loved the meerkats too. Nana bought you a meerkat stuffed animal that you now sleep with. You weren't very impressed with the giraffes like I thought you would be. You did like the chimps and gorillas a lot too. They had a 1.5 week old chimp that was clinging to the mom. They also had a 3-year-old chimp that was crazy! He was jumping, swinging, leaping, and throwing his bedding around. Kind of reminded me a lot of you! We also went through the kangaroo habitat where they're just out and you can walk through on the path. We did our best to keep you in your stroller because we were afraid you'd take off to pet the kangaroos.

This is the prairie dog exhibit. You're able to crawl in and pop up in the plexiglass cylinders and be a part of the exhibit. It's designed for kids under 4 feet, but Dad managed to get in there with you.
Pointing at the rhinos with Nana.

These are the 4" tortoises. We could get one of those for the backyard! You really liked the snakes actually, which surprised me. I thought you'd be more impressed with the crocodiles and alligators since you like pointing them out on your blankets, but you weren't really.

All in all, it was a great day. You had your first French fries at lunch too. Unfortunately the polar bears weren't swimming around. They were up on their tundra. Hopefully next time we go they're swimming. I think you'd really like that given how much you liked the seals. The lions also weren't out because they were working on a new habitat for them.

1 comment:

Interested too said...

Plan to be at the zoo on August 24. They are having a re-opening of the lion area. Should be fun for the little ones as well as the adults. Lots of activities relating to lions.