Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blueberry picking

We went on a second blueberry picking trip.  This year Daddy had to work, but Teryn was up to go with us.  This time with Stella it was a totally different story.  Stella, you were in the Baby Bjorn facing forward.  It was near lunch time and you decided you wanted to eat blueberries.  You first started pulling them out of the bowl.  Then you pulled them off the bush as I was picking them too.  You didn't stop just at the berries though.  At one point you grabbed the twigs the berries were growing on and ate some of those too.  Since I couldn't see you, I figured it out too late.  Daddy found some from the other end this morning.  You ate at least 4 ounces or so.  We picked about 8.5 pounds.  I had to have Teryn look at your face for evidence before we went to pay!

Emma, you did a great job picking this year too.  You avoided eating any too.  You would keep yelling out, "Teryn!  Look at these!" like you were the first to discover them.

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