Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Emma's first Gymnastics lesson

We signed you up for gymnastics.  You're often attempting flips and other yoga moves at home so I thought gymnastics would be a good outlet.  Rather than going through an expensive gymnastics place yet, we did a short course through Holt Community Ed just to see if you like it first.  They started the kids off with some stretching and some other balance things.  I was trying to help you with some.  I hear, "Mom!  Stop it!  I can do it myself!"  Oh boy.  This was 15 minutes into it.  You attempted everything: the beam on the floor, the small bar, somersaults, intro to hand stands and cartwheels, bear crawl (which she already knew).  Then they took the kids to the big apparatuses: the uneven bars and the high balance beam.  You pulled your feet right up to the bar straight legged.  The second time you tried to bicycle pedal your legs up so you might have been getting tired.  On the beam you walked right across with barely a spot the first time.  The second time they had you go side ways.  Matt, the ever-proud dad, "She was the only one they had go sideways."  I said, "She might have also been the only one to get through twice."  Matt, "Noooo..."

Emma, you've been pulling the "I can't" card at home lately.  I'm hoping that this also starts to help you see all the things you CAN do.  I hope it challenges you physically but mentally as well and shows you that if you work hard enough at something you can get there.

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