Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Carving Pumpkins!

We rectified the fact that you've never carved a pumpkin with us tonight.  While Daddy was cutting the top off the first pumpkin, you were cheering him on: "Go, Daddy!  You can do it!"  You at first didn't want to use your hand to scoop the "guts" out.  You could only scoop about 5 seeds at a time though.  I finally convinced you to use your hand and then you were all about it.  However, you kept shaking your hand in order to get the guts off so I'm sure I'll find pieces of pumpkin around the kitchen for a few days.  At one point you were tired of helping so Daddy was carving the face out and you were playing with magnets on the fridge.  They were starting to rot inside already since it hasn't really been that cold.  Hopefully they make it to Halloween.  It was hard to get pictures outside with you.  The setting we were using on the camera had a slow shutter and you just won't sit still long enough!

Go, Daddy!

Mummy jars in the foreground for ambience

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