Saturday, October 6, 2012

A different kid

It seems like you're a different kid, Stella.  You rolled from back to belly a while ago, but now you're doing it way more often and enjoy it.  You enjoy the rolling aspect more than the landing on the belly aspect.  You seem to have forgotten a bit how to return to your back so you just start crying.  Today you were on your blanket on the floor finagling yourself around to get the toys I put around.  You're much more dexterous than you were a week ago.  You can get toys in your mouth.  Your new favorite thing is to grab for the face of whoever is close to you.  Lately when you get on your belly, you push up on your toes and pop your butt in the air.  Precursor to crawling maybe?

As much as I didn't want to, we started you with cereal in part to get more milk in you and in part to practice eating.  Your tongue reflex was so strong with the bottles that I figured we'd better practice before we get to real food.  I can't believe that will be in just over a month already.

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