Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stella's first bath

Two days ago, your umbilical cord stub fell off.  It fell off much sooner than Emma's did, and a good thing too!  Last night we were sitting downstairs.  I had just finished feeding you.  Dad had put you in your Boppy chair and you were just chilling looking very relaxed and a little zoned.  I walked past your chair about 10 minutes later and passed through a very distinctive aroma.  Dad went to pick you up to go change you and found that you had filled your diaper to where it started coming out the top and sides.  We weren't going to give you a bath just yet but circumstances changed with that diaper!  Emma and I rushed to empty the dishwasher and clean out the sink so your tub would fit in there.  Dad went to clean you up a bit before putting you in the bath.  You seemed to enjoy it.  You didn't cry at all.

The initial rinse down.

Emma helping.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

She looks so happy after her Bath!!!! Hi Stella Mae!!! Nana and Papa love you!