Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stella Mae Grace Heck

This is delayed in writing because we've been a little busy with our new girl Stella.  Stella, you were born May 10, 2012 and came in at a whopping 6 pounds 11 ounces (about 1.5 pounds lighter than your sister was) and 20 inches long.  You are the opposite of Emma in that you have a long torso where more of her height is in her legs.  My doctors had to induce me because you had low amniotic fluid so it was time for you to make your appearance.  One of my doctors was very concerned about how fast I labor and deliver since I took only 6.5 hours with your sister.  I thought she was making a big deal for nothing.  Turns out she makes a better doctor than I do (of course) because you were born after 4 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing.  They were able to put you up on my chest right when you came out.  I didn't get this with Emma so this was very special for me.  You were warm and pink and slimy.  I would have loved for you to stay there, but the nurses and doctor said, "She looks a little stunned from that quick delivery.  We're going to take her over to the warming table."  I was a bit stunned from the quick delivery too!  (If you ever want a full detail of it, just ask.  Both dad and I wrote down our perspectives in my journal.)  You look like your sister did when she was first born, which means you look more like your dad than me.  However, your ears don't stick out as much as Emma's did (and still do) so that's probably how we'll tell baby pictures apart!

The first couple days home have been great and relatively easy.  You've taken to nursing well so that's not a worry.  You've slept in 2-3 hour stretches at night so I wake up not feeling totally exhausted.  You've managed to be asleep 3 days in a row during dinner time so we've actually had family dinners.  Your dad made the comment that it took us nearly 2 weeks to do that when we brought Emma home!  You currently seem more relaxed than Emma was so hopefully that stays.

Emma is very excited about you.  When she first walks in the door or gets up in the morning, she asks where her "baby sister Stella" is.  The first couple days she was like a tornado around you.  She's gotten more used to you so is calmer and slower.  She loves your "tiny, tiny hands and tiny, tiny ears" said in a high-pitched voice.

Today you spent a little more time awake.  I'm getting in as many snuggles as I can knowing full well this is the last time I'll get a brand new baby in my arms for any length of time.  It's odd to adjust what my normal routines were with Emma given the different season.  Emma came home from daycare today and she and dad went outside.  I took you outside in the shade of a tree.  Your dad said, "Are you sure that's ok for her?"  It will take us both some getting used to.  :-)

Welcome to the world, little one.  I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

Just born.

Beautiful girl.

A proud Daddy.

Nana and Emma meeting you for the first time.

Emma giving you the Ugly Doll she picked out for you.

A tired Mama.

Day 2 at home.

A very excited sister!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Welcome Home My sweet Grand-Baby Stella Mae! Nana and Papa Love you!