Sunday, January 23, 2011

More changes

Last night you were playing with your animal parade. We had put this away for a bit, but you seemed a bit bored with your current toys last night so we rotated some back out. You remembered you had to hit the parrot on the head to make it go, but you kept seizing on it so as soon as it would start to go you would make it stop. I tried to tell you, "Just hit it once," and I held up one finger. Then you said, "One," held up your index finger, and proceeded to seize on the parrot again! Tonight while making dinner, I asked you how many one was, and you held up the right amount of fingers! In addition to knowing that already, you have taken a liking to my college math books for Euclidean geometry and discrete math, a 300 and 400 level math class, respectively. (You have also started crinkling your eyes up in photos. Not quite sure why. You do the same when you go to point at your eyes.)

You point at the pictures in books a lot now. Sometimes you'll use your own fingers, but usually you just use the finger of whoever you're reading with.

You can now identify your hair, eyes, and mouth. You have added flower, animal, one, car, bath, hair, mouth, ear, nose and poo poo to your vocabulary, although the clarity of some of the words isn't so great yet. Our personal favorite though are your phrases: "there you go" and "hey baby". My personal favorite is "hey baby" of course. You just started that a few days ago. Dad and I didn't realize how often we used that phrase for you to pick that up.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Such a Big Girl! I Love You Emma!!!!!